
Friday, May 13, 2016

10 Mistakes With Blogs Part 3

Always have a way to be reached. For about 7 years I did most of my business here through affiliate links and an email. I continued in various chats lol When I connected traffic to a cell phone the whole world opened up as long as we could call. Now I am quite easy to reach. I answer messages between the content I write with Stephen Hall and Our Crazy Good Seo team. Not Keeping Interest. It is a really big issue here when it comes to keeping the interest of the people who take the time to read what crazy thing I'm planning to do next. Truthfully, the things I do totally work for me and it is really important to have something substantial to say. Get a plan to keep fresh ideas on a paper that you can add to your blog. Find as many ways to relate well with others using your own ideas. Don't Go Out Of Your Niche. Big laugh out loud on that one! I'm working on a healing page for Facebook when I started this three-part series. I do love my Seo and admire the fact that most of my blog are going to be about Seo. However, I also have other facets to my nature I wish to express also. I heal and this is my healing page: I will also be writing more content for our Crazy Good Seo business and for our clients that need content. Don’t spread yourself thin Make sure that you will have a little time to writing your blog if you want to keep followers. I have been bad for this one. I end up writing for our clients and I should also set aside some personal time for writing for my two blogs, affiliate platforms, and Rainbow City Healing Outreach. I am taking this a little more seriously lately because of the increase in traffic it creates. We all are here to learn and it is not a race. I keep shining and for doing everything wrong. It has turned out to be just right for me. Blessings and have a great day :)

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